6 simple tips to beat procrastination
In most cases, we say that we don’t have time not because of a too-long to-do list but because we tend to procrastinate. That is perfectly normal: All people are lazy by nature, this is how evolution has created us. However, when trying to achieve some goal, we might need a bit more concentration and time to get things done. Here are some tips that will add a couple of productive hours to your day.
1. Don’t try to be perfect
Trying to make things perfect is the main reason for procrastination. We’re so afraid that we will fail that we try to postpone starting a challenging task. This is why people say that the first step is the hardest one. Focus on becoming a little better at what you’re doing and not trying to make something perfect at once. Start with 20 minutes of walking and not with running marathons.
You will rarely have perfect conditions. You might sleep through the alarm clock and be late for your morning workout but this doesn’t mean that the whole day is gonna be ruined! You can still eat healthily during this day and try an evening walk, and schedule your morning workout for tomorrow. If you’ve eaten one candy, it doesn’t mean that your diet is ruined and as you’ll have to start all over again tomorrow, now you can munch on the rest of the sweets. Just deal that although it’s not perfect, you should keep to your eating or workout plan.
2. Take one step at a time
Do you know why most of the New Year’s resolutions fail? Because people try to do everything on their list in one go. Willpower is a limited resource which means you won’t be able to maintain all your commitments for long. So how do people do that? They create new healthy habits one at a time, add them to their schedules and apply them thanks to the discipline and not willpower.
3. Keep distractions away
If you want to keep to your eating plan, it’s better not to buy cookies or at least don’t leave them on a kitchen table. If you’re distracted by your mobile — leave your device in another room. If you’re binge-watching Netflix, put your subscription at a pause. If you can’t stop playing computer games, at least put a timer for 30 minutes or an hour after which you have to switch it off no matter what.
4. Track your time
If you believe that working remotely you actually work 24/7, think again. If you can’t find 20 minutes for a workout, try to track your time. Set a timer when you get distracted by a mobile game, a cup of tea, or a cigarette. The chances are you will be shocked at how much time you spend scrolling the social media timeline, playing games, or watching funny videos.
5. Get good rest
You only can be productive after a good rest. If you don’t get enough sleep, you will be slower at making the right decisions at your work and will perform worse at the gym. Cutting off video games and Netflix series might leave you without relaxation we all need during the day to stay efficient. However, you can opt for less obsessive and more relaxing activities instead, like having a cup of herbal tea, taking a walk, or getting a quick 20-minute nap in the middle of the day. These activities will take you less time but will give you more energy to keep on doing important things.
6. Set priorities
Procrastination is not always about playing, watching, or scrolling. If you really don’t want to start doing something, you might find some other “important” chores to do, like washing dishes, cleaning up the house, or potting home plants. This is when you have to see that taking care of your health is more crucial than keeping your house perfectly clean.
Your health is way too important to not have time for it. You can surely find 20 minutes for a walk and 30 minutes to prepare a healthy dinner. Just don’t forget that your total efficiency and productivity as a worker, parent, and spouse is directly affected by your health condition, and don’t delay taking care of yourself any longer.
Procrastination is not always about playing, watching, or scrolling. If you really don’t want to start doing something, you might find for yourself some other “important” chores to do, like washing dishes, cleaning up the house, or potting home plants. This is when you have to see that taking care of your health is much more important than keeping your house perfectly clean.
Your health is way too important to not have time for it. You can surely find 20 minutes for a walk and 30 minutes to prepare a healthy dinner. Just don’t forget that your total efficiency and productivity as a worker, parent, and spouse is directly affected by your health condition, and don’t delay taking care of yourself any longer.